> 唯美句子 > 用太阳系造8个句子(英语的)



Around the sun moving objects obey Kepler 's law of planetary motion, the track using the sun as one focus of the ellipse, and closer to the sun faster. The orbits of the planets close to circular, but many comets, asteroids and Ke Yibo Kuiper Belt objects orbit is highly elliptical.

In this vast space, there are many ways to express the solar system in each track distance. In fact, the distance to the sun more distant planets or belt, and a distance is farther, and only a handful of exceptions. For example, in addition to Venus and mercury approximately 0.33 astronomical unit distance, while Saturn and Jupiter is a distance of 4.3 astronomical units, Neptune and Uranus at 10.5 astronomical unit. There have been attempts to explain these relation interaction between track distance variation.

[editor this paragraph] 2 formation and evolution

The artist 's protoplanetary disk and the formation of the solar system is believed to have been based on the nebular hypothesis, the earliest in 1755 by Kant and 1796 by Laplasse independently proposed. The theory is that the solar system is 4600000000 years ago in a giant molecular cloud collapse in the formation of the. This nebula was the size of several years, and at the same time the birth of several stars. To study the ancient meteorite traced elements showed only a supernova explosion, a portion of the heart in order to produce these elements, therefore consists of a sun cluster inevitable in a supernova remnant in the vicinity of. May be derived from a supernova explosion shock wave of the adjacent solar near the nebula density increased, the gravity to overcome internal gas expansion pressure caused by collapse, which trigger the birth of the sun.

Was identified as the solar nebula region is in the future will be the formation of the solar system area, diameter is estimated at 7000 to 20000 astronomical units, but only a little more than the sun ( 0.1 to 0.001 solar mass ). When Nebula began to collapsed, the law of conservation of angular momentum so that its speed is accelerated, the internal atomic collision frequency increase. The central region has focused most of quality, temperature than the surrounding disk more heat. When gravity, gas pressure, magnetic and rotation effects on the contraction of nebulae, it becomes flat as rotating protoplanetary disks, and a diameter of about 200 astronomical units, and in the center there is a hot and dense star.

The young star of the Taurus T, believe that the quality and the fusion stage in the development of the sun is very similar, showing in the forming stage often have the original planetary material disc with. These disks can be extended to hundreds of astronomical unit, and the hot part can reach thousands of K at high temperature.

One hundred million years later, in the collapse of the nebula's center, the pressure and density will be large enough to make the original solar hydrogen began heat fusion, this will increase until the hydrostatic equilibrium, so that the heat energy to withstand gravitational contraction can. Then the sun to become a true star.

Believe that through the accretion effect, various planets from the clouds ( solar nebula ) remaining in the gas and dust in the birth of:

1 when the dust particles are still around the central protostar, the planet is already beginning to grow;

2 then by direct contact, gathered into 1 to 10 kilometers in diameter;

3 then passes through the collision to form larger ones, a diameter of about 5 kilometers into stars;

4 in the future for millions of years, through further collision with annual the speed of 15 cm to continue to grow.

In the inner solar system, because of excessive warmth make water and methane in the volatile molecules can condense, thus forming stars to relatively small ( only occupied disk quality 0.6% ), and the main component is a high melting of silicate and metal compounds. These rocky bodies finally became the terrestrial planets. A little further stars, by Jupiter 's gravitational influence, cannot be together become the original planet, and now see the asteroid belt.

In the far distance, in the freezing line, volatile substance can also be frozen solid, on the formation of Jupiter and Saturn these massive gas giant. Uranus and Neptune have fewer materials, and because the core is considered mainly ice (Hg ), and is therefore called the ice giant.

Once the young sun began to produce energy, solar wind will be a protoplanetary disk of material into interplanetary space, thus ending the planet 's growth. Young T Tauri stars and stellar wind than in stable phase of the older stars much stronger.


Our solar system is made up of the sun and everything that travels around it. This includes eight planets and their natural satellites such as Earth's moon. Our solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago.Our solar system is part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Everything in the Solar System revolves around the Sun. The Sun contains around 98% of all the material in the Solar System. Because the Sun is so large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards it. At the same time, these objects, which are moving very rapidly, try to fly away from the Sun, outward into the emptiness of outer space. The result of the planets trying to fly away, at the same time that the Sun is trying to pull them inward is that they become trapped half-way in between. Balanced between flying towards the Sun, and escaping into space, they spend eternity orbiting around their parent star.







通常用that ,what,which,how等等疑问词作引导词构成宾语从句,状语从句,主语从句,定语从句等等。英语作文里面用从句是加分点!那就是主语从句.如:That the earth gose aroud the sun is truth

That the earth gose aroud the sun这个句子就是本句的主语,叫主语从句


我轻轻地推开林嘉欣的房门,坐到了林嘉欣熟睡的床边,打开了房间的修饰灯,静静得看着床上躺着的天使,不觉间我的手已经摸在了林嘉欣的脸上,好滑嫩的肌肤,白绽细腻如凝固脂肪一样。 我的手指又顺着林嘉欣的额头划过了林嘉欣的鼻梁,那高耸的鼻梁就好象是大理石雕刻出来一般挺立,在装饰灯所发出的昏黄光线里均匀的呼吸着。 饱满红润的嘴唇不时的还微微抿上一下,甚是可爱。 就这样我看了许久,才开始打算脱去林嘉欣的内衣,林嘉欣的内衣是那种很典雅的白色正统内衣,周遍绣着质感的雷丝。 我轻轻的解开了林嘉欣纹胸的纽扣,一对饱满的乳房便裸露了出来,淡淡的乳晕,小小的乳头,和色情图片上的那些久经房事的女人相比起来,真是尽显少女本色,而又不失雌性的韵味,一股冲动猛然从体内冲了上来,使我一口含住了林嘉欣的一个乳头,开始吮吸了起来,舌尖拨弄着乳头,不时地吮吸上几口,这时感觉自己像是个饥饿的婴儿一样除了嘴里的乳头什么都忘记了。 偶尔在用牙齿轻轻地夹住乳头,向上叼起左右微微扯动,这样也会另有一翻情调,毕竟林嘉欣的身体也是发育成熟的女性身体,虽然还未醒来,但哪里经受的住这样的刺激,乳头已经膨胀起来了,一对乳房看上去更加的饱满充实。 林嘉欣的呼吸也开始慌乱起来,不时的舞弄着双肩。 而此时的我也已经是一头被挑起了性欲的野兽,即使是天塌下来也不能阻止我占有林嘉欣的身体。 我又来到了林嘉欣的身下,托起林嘉欣的双脚并把它们抬高,林嘉欣整个臀部一览无疑。 虽然还隔着内裤,但是夹在紧闭的双臀缝隙里的内裤,那丝丝的褶曲比单单看到女人的胴体更加的刺激,微微隆起的少女私处显的是那样的神秘,刚刚的刺激像是已经生效了,内裤的一角已经被阴道所分泌的“花蜜”浸湿了,我把头埋向了这美丽的田野,用鼻间紧紧贴在林嘉欣那微微隆起的私处上,隔着内裤用力的呼吸着,那种少女的气息,雌性所独有的气味,是这个世界上最好闻的一种味道。 我用嘴轻轻的在那块湿了的内裤上摩挲着,林嘉欣的身体像是受到了莫大的刺激一样,开始不安份起来。 我又摸起了这美丽天使的双腿,好迷人啊,没有一丝的赘肉,从臀部开始一直到脚趾,一个美丽的曲线就这样诞生了。 我要开始褪去林嘉欣的内裤了,我所日夜期待的景象马上要浮现在我眼前了,心里好紧张,手也有点发抖,本想有品味的慢慢褪下来,可是却没耐住性子一口气便褪下了林嘉欣的那可爱的小裤裤,一副美丽的景色便呈显在了眼前,林嘉欣的阴毛不算很浓密,但却很有型,长方形的一条,乌黑亮丽。 轻轻擗开林嘉欣的双腿,立刻就看到了那鲜泽的小阴唇,这两片如花瓣般可爱的小阴唇相互“缠绕”着,还没有分开,像是特意要守护住那流出蜜液的“源头”一副等待知心人来解开的样子。 林嘉欣还是个处女,这也许就是处女的阴户独特的样子吧。 我轻轻抬起林嘉欣的臀部并在底下垫了一个枕头,然后便爬在林嘉欣的两腿间仔细的看着,用鼻子仔细地嗅着这少女的体香,林嘉欣是前天洗的澡,所以那两片阴唇现在正是美味时,比起先前隔着内裤闻起来要过瘾的多。 我用鼻间死劲顶着林嘉欣的阴蒂,并急促地呼吸着,林嘉欣像是有所感知,娇美的双腿不断地想要紧闭,可在我一个男人有力的臂膀前显的是那样的无奈,终于我耐不住欲火,用舌间慢慢地拨开了那缠绕着个小阴唇,贪婪地舔吮了起来,舌尖从那两朵美丽的花瓣一直向上轻吮到了林嘉欣的阴蒂,用我灵活的舌头,左右拨弄着它,不时的按压它,它这才像一副刚刚睡醒的样子,懒洋洋的舒展了起来,这颗小红宝石就这样被我吮吸的更加晶亮,更加的红润;而我又时而的咬弄小阴唇,在那层薄薄的处女膜上划着美丽的圆周。 林嘉欣的身体哪里承受的了这样的......更多唯美的句子:www.weimeidejuzi.cn

问个英语的语法问题,下面两个句子: 1)The sun rising. 2)The sun is shining.


求东方神起的一首歌:开头大概是每天早上太阳升起的时候。。。可以的话请把专辑名也告诉我→_→ 十分感

是东方神起同名专辑《rising sun》吧


湖面在落日的映衬下如玻璃一样闪闪发光,这景色简直美极了~~in the setting sun应该翻译为在落日的映衬下~~~~~

i want to play on the sun(写出正确句子)




I want to play in the sun.





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