> 唯美句子 > Otherwise 的 词性

Otherwise 的 词性




你好:连接副词可分为两类,一类是用于连接句子或从句,常见的有therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover, still, thus, meanwhile等;另一类是用于引导从句或不定式,主要的有when, why, where, how 等。


那么,举例:1.连接副词等连接词的作用,连接两个句子或子句,如:however, so, then, therefore,but,although2.连接副词通常位于子句的句首,有的也可位于句中。

They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided to go。



I have never been to Wales. I, therefore, don't know much about it.我从未去过威尔士,因此我对它知道的不多。









此句中otherwise作副词暗示条件."otherwise "相当于 if I hadn't got stuck in the heavy traffic.全句还原成“if"引导的虚拟条件句如下:I "got stuck"in the heavy traffic. otherwise= ,I here earlier.注:get的过去分词形式有两种:got/gottenP.S.提问者的困惑,我想是把otherwise所在的整个句子理解成一个条件句了,而otherwise作为副词,本身就暗含条件。

所以你所指的那些If 引导虚拟条件句,主从句时态格式仍是按对现在,过去,将来虚拟所用时态。





现分述如下:一、介词短语 常用来表示虚拟条件的介词有with,without,in,under,but for等等,它们表示的虚拟条件都可以被if从句替换。

(1)without,with ,without表示否定的条件,意为if...not;with与without意义相反,表示肯定的条件。

如: Without air,there would be no living things.(without air=if there were no air)没有空气,便没有生物。

With her help(=If I had her help),I would do the experiment well.假如有她帮助,我就可以把这个实验做好。

(2)under Under the leadership of a less experienced person,the experiment would have failed.(under...=If there had been the leadership of a less experienced person)假设在一个缺少经验的人领导下进行实验,实验准会失败。

(3)in I would have lost my head in that position.(in that position=if I had been in that position)我处在那种情况下,是会丧失理智的。

(4)but for But for their help(=If it were not for their help),we could not get over the difficulties.要不是他们的帮助,我们是克服不了这些困难的。

二、连接词or ,otherwise,but,but that等等 I'm really busy,otherwise(=if I weren't so busy),I would certainly go with you.我确实太忙了。


But that I saw it(=If I had not seen it),I could not have believed it.要不是亲眼看见的话,我是不会相信的。

三、分词短语 United(=If they had been united),they wouldn't have been defeated.他们要是团结起来,就不会被打败。

Seen from a high mountain(=If it were seen from a high mountain),the field in which wheat is growing would look like a great green sea.倘若从高山上看,麦田就像一片碧绿的大海。

四、动词不定式短语 It would be only partly right to answer in this way.(=if we answered in this way)如果这样回答,只对一部分。

To hear him speak English(=If one were to hear him speak English),one would think him an Englishman.要是听他讲起英语来,人们会认为他是一个英国人。

五、形容词或其比较级的形式 A less difficult problem would have already been solved.(=If the problem had been less difficult,it would have already been solved.)要是问题不那么难的话,它早就被解决了。

An honest man would not do such a thing.(=If he were an honest man,he would not do such a thing.)诚实的人是不会做这种事的。

六、名词 An honest man would not say this.(=If the man were honest,he wouldn't say this.)一个诚实的人,就不会说这种话。

Who but a fool(=If one were a fool,one)would believe his words.除了傻瓜,谁会相信他的话! 七、"名词+and"的结构 One step further and you would be dead.(=If you took one step further,you would be dead.)再往前走一步,你就会死。

八、独立主格结构或由with引导的复合结构 All things considered(=If all things were considered),the price would be reasonable.如果全面考虑起来,价格可能是合理的。

九、定语从句 A nation which stopped working would be dead in a fortnight.(=If a nation stopped working,it would be dead in a fortnight.)如果一个国家停止工作,不出半个月就会灭亡。

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一、连接副词的分类 连接副词可分为两类,一类是用于连接句子或从句,常见的有therefore,besides,otherwise,however,moreover,still,thus,meanwhile等;另一类是用于引导从句或不定式,主要的有when,why,where,how 等.二、连接句子或从句的连接副词其性质类似于并列连词,使用时其前通常用分号或句号;若其前用逗号,则通常带有并列连词(如and).如:I don't like it; besides,it's too expensive.我不喜欢它,而且也太贵了.We all tried our best; however,we lost the game./ We all tried our best.However,we lost the game.我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了.注意,有的连接副词(如however等)后通常有逗号与句子的其他成分隔开.另外,这类副词有的还可位于句中或句末.如:He may,however,come later.不过,他也许一会儿就到.We all tried out best.We lost the game,however.我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了.Peter is our youngest child,and we have three others besides.彼特是我们最小的孩子,我们另外还有三个.三、引导从句和不定式的连接副词用于引导从句(名词性从句)或不定式的连接副词主要有when,why,where,how等.如:Tell me when we shall leave./ Tell me when to leave.告诉我什么时候离开.I don't know how I can find him./ I don't know how to find him.我不知道如何找到他.Where we can get the money is just our problem./ Where to get the money is just our problem.到哪里去弄这笔钱正是我们头痛的事.That's why he speaks English so well.那就是他为什么英语讲得这么好的原因.【说明】连接副词why 后不能接不定式,如可说 I don't know why I must leave.(我不知道我为什么必须离开),但不能说 I don't know why to leave


可以多着呢,像however,moreoever,concequencely,hence,also,besides,accordingly,otherwise,therefore,thus,thereupon等等这些词叫作linking words,就是用来连接两个句子,使文章更通顺,语气更连贯egI feel a bit tired.However,I can hold on.我有点累了,但我能坚持下去.They talked about it for hours.Finally,they decided to go.他们对此商量了好几个小时,最后他们决定去.I have never been to Wales.I,therefore,don't know much about it.我从未去过威尔斯,因此我对它知道的不多.The weather was cold.Therefore(Thus),we stayed home.天气寒冷,因此我们待在家里.

Otherwise 的 词性:等您坐沙发呢!


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