> 唯美句子 > 十句改错和五句综合改错


You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.____

friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____

When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____

greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____

all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____

to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____

another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____

you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____

that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____

you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____

答案:You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.__for去掉__

friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____ really

When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ to smile

greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ others

all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ takes

to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ 正确

another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ speak

you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ activities

that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____ these

you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____that-what


You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.____ friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends?2._____ When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ that are held at your new school.In those activities,9._____ you can find out that is useful and best for you.10._____答案:You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.__for去掉__ friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends?2._____ really When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ to smile greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ others all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ takes to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ 正确 another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ speak you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ activities that are held at your new school.In those activities,9._____ these you can find out that is useful and best for you.10._____that-what


1.The problem will be referred to at the meeting .2.The little girl will be taken care of by the old man .3.Pronunciation will be paid attention to in the Speech Contest .4.The patient will be operated on tomorrow . 5.His action was highly thought of / spoken of by the teacher .


展开全部 1.形成——发生,2.2个句子要保持对称,前半句用了“能不能”那后半句也要用,在“这是”前加“能不能”3.加强和放松匹配,“降低”——“放松”4.既然是责任制,那“多种经营”就一种制度,“多种经营”——“多种经营制度(制或者责任制)”5.布置是在工作开始前,与后面矛盾了,“布置”——“汇报”或者把“情况”——“任务”6和第二个犯同样的毛病7.切实/深刻贯彻,正确理解8。




12. 经过全长员工的努力,今年的生产创最好水平。



1、星期天,爸爸代表我去参观汉兵马俑.讲解员阿姨说,汉兵马俑是一个我国考古界的重大发明,我们对于研究汉代的军事制度和将士服饰具有重要意思……她讲得很趣味,我们听得很详细. 2、一万米长跑比赛非常激动,运动健儿二十几名在跑道上你追我赶.他们都跑得很快,所以跑得相当轻松.观众不停在喊“加油”,都愿望本班的运动员取得好成绩. 3、李老师非常平易近人,他从来不向我们发皮气.上课时,他细心地培养我们读书、写作的方法,下课后,长长和我们一起谈笑、一起活动.他只要批评我们就不过是态度严格一点儿,对我们过后还是那么和蔼可亲. 4、在多门功课中,语文对我最感兴趣,其它攻课如数学,自然,科技等,就差劲了.老师和我们进行个别谈话:“鼓舞我要为四化认真学好各门功课.”我明确了学习态度,经过努力,这些攻课的成绩都增加了. 5、列宁是善于使用图书馆读书的模范,他一身中有许多时间是在图书馆渡过的.在彼得堡的时候,列宁整天呆在图书馆,读了很多书.后来,列宁不辛被捕,但他果然经常写信要家里人设法为他借书.当他听说监狱里的图书馆可借书,真是兴奋不己.为了防止不错过借书的机会,他总是第一个到图书馆门口等开门.在监狱里,列宁被关了十四个月,整整读了十四个月左右的书. 6、丁大爷今年70多岁了,他身穿一件蓝绵袄,头戴一顶旧绵帽,仍然还是保持着艰苦朴素.在解放战争时期,他经常推着小车为前方送玉米、小米、面粉和粮食,不知走了多少地方?他现在身体硬朗结实,曾四次被评为“支前模范”的光荣称号.他常常教育我们:“我经历过两个新旧社会,深知幸福生活来之不易.你们可要珍惜它呀!” 7、我们要给马路铺上白油,让水车喷撒街道.我们要把城市和工业区成为花园,让每一个工厂都有通风除尘设背.现在全人类正在努力控制灰尘的游行,使它们不在变成祸害.而为人类造福. 8、今天爸爸给我卖了一套十万个为什么,我非常高兴极了.下午放学我一回到家里就放下书包,迫不急待地拿的书,座在桌子上读了起来.大约过了不到两个小时以后,爸爸叫我去吃饭了. 9、今年夏天天空严热,我常常天天去游泳.游泳池里的人很多,有工人、干部、青年、学生……我在水里向小鱼儿一样游来游去,舒服极了. 10、在做家庭作业时,我被一道数学题拦住了.我反复斗争,总是理不出头绪.我想:“我要向张海迪姐姐那样,决不像困难底头!”我震作起精神来,画了一张草稿和草图,这道题的算示终于列出来? 11、小红同学:我到上海读了已经两年书了,在过几天就要进行毕业会考和考试.考试以后,我准备乘火车到你家来,跟你一起过暑假.请你给我按排住处.妈妈以愿意我去. 身体健康 六月二十二日 小兰 12、3月5日下午,我们五(1)班全体师生在老师的戴领下,到板桥新村公益活动.张老师分配了任务后,大家便欣喜若狂地干起来.同学们有的擦居委会门前的宣传橱窗,有的拨着花圃内的花草,还有的清除楼道口墙壁上的广告纸.




1 错别字 谱,改为:编2 标点 第一个句号改为逗号3 病句 (1)有趣的许多故事 改为:许多有趣的故事(2)法国十九世纪 改为:十九世纪法国(3)“外形、捕食、活动”三者并列也不恰当,“捕食”“活动”概念有包含被包含关系,捕食就 是一种活动



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