> 唯美句子 > 英语商务谈判有哪些技巧?最好能有一些常用的句型








在双方谈判的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点表示了解,可以说: I see what you mean. (我明白您的意思。)

如果表示赞成,可以说: That's a good idea. (是个好主意。) 或者说: I agree with you. (我赞成。)

如果是有条件地接受,可以用on the condition that这个句型,例如: We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units. (如果您订2万台,我们会接受您的建议。 )

在与外商,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要拐弯抹角,比如,表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说: I don't think that's a good idea. (我不认为那是个好主意。) 或者 Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal. (坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。)

如果是拒绝,可以说: We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time. (我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。)

有时,还要讲明拒绝的理由,如 To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will sell very well in China. (说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好。)

谈判期间,由于言语沟通问题,出现误解也是在所难免的:可能是对方误解了你,也可能是你误解了对方。在这两种情况出现后,你可以说: No, I'm afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was..... (不,恐怕你误解了。我想说的是......) 或者说: Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I go along with you. (哦,对不起,我误解你了。那样的话,我同意你的观点。 )


一、商务:what time would be convenient for you?你看什么时间比较方便?I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。

Here is to our next project!为我们下一个项目干杯!would you please tell me when you are free?请问你什么时候有空?gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。


what I care about is the quality of the goods.我关心的是货物的质量。

please have a look at those samples.请给我看一下那些样品。

I'd like to know any business connections abroad.我想多了解一些你们公司。

I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。

can I have your price list?你能给我价格单吗?will you give us an indication of prices?你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?I am in charge of export business.我负责出口生意。

I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods.我正考虑向你们订货。

what about the prices?那价格方面怎么样?Let's call it a deal.好,成交!our product is the best seller.我们的产品最畅销。

our product is really competitive in the word market.我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。

our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad.我们的产品行销海外许多地区。

It's our principle in business to honor the contract and keep our promise."重合同,守信用"是我们经营的原则。

I wish you success in your business transaction.祝你生意兴隆。

I want to out your product.我想了解一下你们的产品。

this is our latest devlopment.这是我们的新产品。

we have a wide selection of colors and designs.我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。

the quality must be instrict conformity with that of sample.质量必须与样品一样。

二、价格 I think we can strike a bargain with you if your pries are competitive.我认为如果价格有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。

Is that your quoted prices?这是你方的价格吗?It would be very difficult to come down with the price.我们很难再降价了。

our prices are the most reasonable.我们的价格是最合理的。

can you cut down the price for me?你们可以降低价格吗?we can offer you discount terms.我们可以向你提供折扣。

Do you quote CIG or FOB?你们报的是到岸价还是离岸价?I can assure you our price is very favourable.我可以保证我们的价格是优惠的。

Please give us your best price.请给我们报最低价。

All the prices are on the FOB shanghai basis.所有的价格都是上海港船上交货价。

Your prices are much too high for us to accept.你的价格太高,我们不能接受。

I can't allow the price you ask for.我不能同意你们要求的价格。

we can't cover our production cost at this price.这个价格我们不能保本。

Are the price on the list firm offers?报价单上的价格是实价吗?This is the lowest possible price.这是最低价了。

thank you for your inquiry.感谢贵方询价。

How about the prices?价格如何?When quoting ,please state terms of payment and time of delivery.贵方报价时,请说明付款条件和交货时间。

Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit.我们的价格是很实际的,是根据合理的利润提出的。

If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample.如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。

三、谈判与合同 Our price is realistic and based on reasonable profit.我们的价格是很实际的,是根据合理的利润提出的。

If an order is placed, we'll pay the cost of the sample.如果交易成功,样品费由我们付。

I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.我很高兴我们的谈判获得圆满成功。

When shall we come to sign the contract?我们什么时候签订合同?Do you think it'stime to sign the ontract?我想该签合同了吧?Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement.在正式签约之前,我们要重申一下协议的重点。

As some points concerning the contrac have not yet been settled negotiation has to be continued before the contract is signed.由于合同某些问题尚未解决,所以在合同签署前仍需继续协商。

There are a few points which I'd like to ring up concerning the contract.关于合同我想提出几点看法。

The seller should try to carry out the contract in time if not the buyer has the righe to cancel the contact.卖方应努力按规定履行合同,否则买方有权撤消合同。

No party who has signed the contract has the rught to break if.签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。

Once a contract is signed,it has legal effect.合同一旦签署即具有法律效力。

We can get the contract finalized now.现在我们可以签订合同了。

Have you any questions in regards to the contract?关于合同你还有什么问题要问吗?四、订货 When can we expect your confirmation of the order?你什么时候能确定订单?We want to order this article from you.我们想...


商务谈判意识:(这可是我一个字一个字写上去的啊,网上可没有哦!!~~~~)Negotiation awarenessAll products and services have prices. Price comparisons can be difficult to make because of consideration of credit terms, delivery, trade-in allowance, guarantees, quality and other forms of services. What price will produce the greatest profit over a long period of time? There is no way to really determine this price accurately. I s the price too high to produce a large volume? Too low to cover cost? No other area of marketing poerations has been more misundrerstood and subject to so much bad pratice. Many businesses pursre unsound pricing policees fro long periods witheout becoming aware of it. Prices are determined in various ways. For example, agricultural prices(cotton, wheat) are decided in large central-markets where forces of supply and demand exist. This is pure price competition. Industrial product prices are decided by large companies. A few competiong sellers control the amout and price of good sold to large numbers of buyers. Although competition is the public goal for most businessese in the U.S., most operate in imperfect compttition. Prices are also set by the gobvernment, particularly for public utility services--railroads, electricity, particularly for public services, etc. When demand increases, prices rise, profits expand and new investmetn is attracted. But we see that there are ohter factors involved. Prices are related to each other in various ways. Ultimately, everything is related in price, since the consumer can buy only so much and must pay for everything out for particular, limited amount of money.




在真正开始学习说英语之前,下边的问题您必须要弄清楚: 什么是口语? 学什么口语?口语学什么?建立什么口语系统? 一、什么是口语? 从对语言的认知过程来看,人类从来都是先会说话再会认字的。







二、学什么口语? 从两个方面了解这个问题。












三、口语学什么? 前边两个问题清楚了,接下来就是具体的学习内容:英语的口语到底学什么?这个问题将影响您的整个学习过程,涉及学习时间的设定、付出的精力乃至金钱的多少。

根据语言学习的性质和规律,学习外语口语的内容应该归纳成以下三个方面: 词儿,串词儿,习惯发音。

1、词儿 词儿就是学校里讲的词汇。






2、串词儿习惯 习惯就是按英语本族人的口语习惯把词儿串起来的能力,这可以叫“口语语法”。




3、发音 首先要确定选哪国的英语口音:英式的?澳式的?美式的?选定哪种英语口音要看您学习的目的:到哪一个国家留学或定居?您工作的外企公司是哪国的?如果这都不是您的直接目的,学哪一种口音似乎无关紧要。











四、建立什么口语系统? 我们必须清楚:作为外语,对一般人来说,不可能把英语什么都学会,也没有必要。


能使自己具备这几个能力的是“功能英语Functional English”、“会话英语Conversational English”和“主题英语Topical English”。

至于“情景英语Situational English”在非英语的中国没有太大用处,因为,“银行英语”、“饭店英语”、“酒店英语”等之类的情景英语(其实应该属于“职业英语Occupational...


What Are the Best Negotiation Strategies?The best negotiation strategies and tactics come from understanding the negotiation process and knowing how other people use it. This allows the person negotiating to watch out for tricks another person might use to convince him that he's wrong. Negotiation is about working a problem out so that both parties are happy, but it's still best to know tricks that others use to get their own way. Certain people are less willing to negotiate than others.Before the conversation starts, the person should prepare himself. He should make a list of the items he wants to discuss and what he wants done about them. He should know all the facts about not only what he's discussing but about counterarguments other people might make. In business, knowing facts and statistics to back up a certain point goes a long way. He should understand the different viewpoints and why others are arguing against him.One of the best negotiation strategies is to truly understand the problem and what the competition wants. First, the person decides what he can compromise on and what he can't. Certain points he'll be willing to change or alter, but others he does not want to change. Next he identifies the problem and finds facts or arguments to back up his approach to solving it. Then he learns more about the people who do not agree with him and finds a way to make them happy without giving up on what he wants to see happen.







有些商务文书(如合同)因为具有规范、约束力等公文性质,因此会使用一些很正式的词语,如使用prior to 或者 previous to 而不使用before;使用supplement 而不使用 add to 等。

但在介词方面,商务英语往往使用以繁复的介词短语来代替简单的介词和连词,如:用 in the nature of 代替 like;3.商务英语句子结构比较复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招标文件和投资文件经及合同中更是如此。


如商务英语不就“We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday”,而要说“We confirm our telex of July 2nd,2000.”因为前者笼统含糊,后者就清晰明了;5.在国际商务英语应用文特别是国际商务信函中,礼貌是其中非常重要的语言特点。



一 产品数量和数量单位篇 Let''s talk about the problem of quantity. 我们谈谈数量的问题吧。

You''ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight. 你们必须出具数量和重量证明书。

The package number and quantity are identical with each other. 包装号与商品数量相吻合。

Quantity matters as much as quality of price, doesn''t it? 数量和价格、质量一样重要,是吗? We believe we shall be able to better satisfy our customers quantitatively. 我们相信能在数量上更好地使客户满意。

The quantity you ordered is considerable. 你们订的数量还可以。

We can supply any reasonable quantity of this merchandise. 对此商品,我们能提供任何适当的数量。

I must advise the farm of the quantity of the wheat as per the contract. 我将按合同规定通知农场小麦的数量。

If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract, the importer will refuse to accept the goods. 如果进口商发现货物数量与合同规定不符,他将拒收。

Is there any quantity limitation for the import of cotton cloth from China? 从中国进口的棉布有数量限制吗? You remarked yesterday you would sell on shipped quality, quantity, and weight. 你昨天强调过你们售货以船装质量、数量和重量为准。

Words and Phrases quantity 数量 quantification 定量 quantitative 数量的,定量的 matter 重要,要紧(主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中) to be identical with, to conform to 与...相符,与...相吻合 (二) For such a big sum, we should attach importance to it. 数目如此之大,我们将予以重视。

For such a big sum, we shouldn''t be frightened by this trouble. 这么大款项,我们不能怕麻烦。

They always buy in large quantities. 他们总是大量购买。

Useful quantities have changed hands. 较大的数量已经转手。

Quantities of Black Tea have been exported. 已经有大批红茶出口。

This is the maximum quantity we can supply at present. 这是目前我们所能提供的最大数量 This is the minimum quantity we require. 这是我们所需要的最小数量。

A small order this year is also welcome. 小批订货今年也受欢迎。

They are not interested in small quantities. 他们对小数量不感兴趣。

For such a big quantity, you should give us a discount. 这么大的订单,贵公司可否给我们折扣? The quantity of rice imported this year is approximately the same as that last year. 今年进口小麦的数量与去年大体相同。

We''re prepared to purchase a shipment quantity of this material. 我们准备买足够一次装运数量的这种商品。

If you can''t arrange for the entire quantity, please offer us at least half. 如果你们办不到全数的话,请至少给我们半数。

You sent us only a quarter of our requirements. 您只送给我们所需量的四分之一。

Words and Phrases to attach importance to sth.对...引起重视 trouble 麻烦 in large quantities 大量 to change hands 转手 discount 折扣 quantities of sth. 大批... huge quantity 或enormous quantity 巨大的数量



The objective of this report is to know the German Negotiation Styles from 7 aspects.Also the customs and habits are introduced from four aspects, social etiquette, clothes ceremonial, dining etiquette and taboos.At last, the summery is about a few notes during negociation with German, such as, make an appoitment;get there on time with neat modest clothes;behave decently; take things reasonably; keep silent instead of putting forward opinions without solid basis.In general, all business activities somewhat formal should make plans. Send invitation letter 1-2 week in advance if you want to invite someone or hold a event. Send a receipt in certain time if you won't come. In that case, no response would be considered rude.German has a precise structure with many grammar rules. which will reflect itself in expression.


Etiquette in International Business Negotiation the negotiator in the international business should follow the following etiquette ;first , we must be on time of the meeting . also , we can not be too early than the time we are expected. before we go to visit someone , we can make a phone call first . to make sure that they are free to meet us .second , proper dress is requested. 3rd, make sure the attendance, and try to remember their name and title.4th, be polite when we are negotiation. 5th ,do not talk about the tabu things .小朋友,姐姐我今天时间很紧,就给你列个提纲.你再没点自己补充点,这些礼仪做到了什么好处,没有做到有什么危害.然后在结尾段来个总结说:国际商务谈判礼仪真的很要紧.是促成谈判成功的重要因素就这样,希望你开动自己的小脑筋喔~


R: I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. D: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. R: You think we about be asking for more?(laughs) D: That's not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount. R: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers. D: Please, Robert, call me Dan. (pause) Well, if we promise future business??volume sales(大笔交易)??that will slash your costs(大量减低成本)for making the Exec-U-ciser, right? R: Yes, but it's hard to see how you ...? R?that will slash your costs(大量减低成本)for making the Exec-U-ciser. How could you turn over(销磬)so many, call me Dan;s not exactly what I had in mind?;s hard to see how you can place such large orders. Smith;m a little worried about the prices you'. D. D. But I': That seems to be a little high;d like is a 25% discount. I don'?volume sales(大笔交易)R. I know your research costs are high. (pause) Well. R, Robert: Yes?(laughs) D, not just a promise;d be happy to answer any questions you may have. D: We said we wanted 1000 pieces over a six-month period, right: Your products are very good? (pause) We': If you can guarantee that on paper, but it're asking: I': That', Mr: Please;d need a guarantee of future business, but what I', with a guarantee;t know how we can make a profit with those numbers? R, if we promise future business. What if we place orders for twelve months. R: You think we about be asking for more


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