> 唯美句子 > 三年级下册英语句子总结


英语的基本句型归纳起来有五种,它们是主-动-补(SVC)结构,主-动结构(SV),主-动-宾(SVO)结构,主-动-宾-宾结构(SVOO),主-动-宾-补(SVOC)结构。当代有些语法书在上述五种基本句型之外,再加两种,这样就形成了七种。七种句型的划分是有其独到之处的,因为状语在由某些动词构成的句子中是不可缺少的成分。现就七种句型分述如下: 1.主—动—补结构(SVC)。此种结构中的动词皆是连系动词。连系动词带有的主语补语可以是名词词组。形容词词组。介词词组。非限定动词词组或名词性分句等。例如: The twin are as like as two pears. She is in good health. It is getting dark. The machine is out of order. 2.主—动(SV)结构。此种结构中的动词一般是不及物动词,在这种句型中,状语并非是结构上不可或缺的成分。例如: He lives in Shanghai. We get up early every day. The train leaves at eight. They have been singing for half an hour. 3.主—动—宾结构(SVO)。此种结构中的动词都是及物动词,这类动词后面一般只跟一个宾语,因此也叫做单宾语及物动词(monotransitive verb),该句型一般不需状语成分即可表达 完整思想。例如: She is reading a novel. We have realized the importance of English. They are watching the football match. He opened the door.










句子翻译:Everyone, as a member of society, is entitled to the social, economic and cultural rightsnecessary to the unrestrained development of his/her personality and dignity, which arerealized through national effort and international cooperation and concordant with theorganization, resources and situation of each country.1. Everyone,每一个人2. as a member of society,作为社会的一个成员3. social, economic and cultural right, 社会、经济、文化权利4. entitl,使……有权利5. national effort and international cooperation,国家努力和国际合作6. concordant with ,与……相一致翻译出来就是:每一个人,作为社会的一个成员,有权享受其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的社会、经济、文化权利,这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。


1.my car broke down on the way ,so I was late for the meeting. (break down 用主动语态)2.he didn't finish his homework yesterday,so he was made to do it at once. (在被动语态中,应为be made to do)3.he's often asked to listen carefully in class,isn't he?('s是is的缩略形式,并不是完成时,此句意为,他上课总是被要求认真听讲,不是么?)


在这个我正在跟进的项目中我关心的是得到你在SOP中列明的清晰的时间计划 我的意思是: -系列供应商的选择 -你们预订的sop 您知道,我正在准备向贵公司附加的第一部分资料(20个部分) --------------------------------------------------------- 这个韩国人一定是神仙来着,这英文估计美国人看不懂的 -------------------------------------------------------- SOP standard operation procedure 标准作业流程---------------------------------------------SOP在企业内非常流行呀,就如同说KPI一样,就是根据客户的要求,自身的特点,编写的从接收订单开始直至收款完成的整个流程中各个节点,各个部门之间如何传递、接力的流程文件呀。


Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一.重点词组 eat grass eat leaves be quiet very shy very smart very cute play with her friends kind of South Africa other animals at night in the day every day during the day二. 交际用语 Why do you like pandas? Because they're very clever. Why does he like koalas? Because they're kind of interesting. Where are lions from? They are from South Africa. What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Why? Because they're friendly and clever. Molly likes to play with her friends and eat grass. She's very shy. 7. He is from Australia. 8.He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. 9.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day. 10.Let's see the pandas first. 11.They're kind of interesting.12.What other animals do you like? 13.Why do you want to see the lions?三. 重点难点释义 1、kind of 有点,稍微 Koala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有点害羞。

kind 还有“种类”的意思 如:各种各样的 all kinds of We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school. 2、China n. 中国 Africa n. 非洲 China 和Africa都是专有名词,首字母都应该大写,而且和介词in连用。

There are many kinds of tigers in China. There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa. 3、friendly adj. 友好的,和蔼可亲的 它是名词friend的形容词形式,常常和be动词连用, be friendly。

The people in Chengdu are very friendly. 4、with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起 I usually play chess with my father. 注意区别与and的用法,and通常用于连接主语或宾语,连接主语时, 如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后,如: My father and I usually play chess together. Play with “和…一起玩耍”“玩…” I often play with my pet dog. Don't play with water! 5、day和night 是一对反义词,day 表示白天或一天,night表示夜或夜晚。

通常说in the day, during the day, at night。

Koala bears often sleep during the day and eat leaves at night. 6、leaf n. 叶子 复数形式为:leaves, 类似的变化还有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves, knife—knives,scarf---scarfs(scarves)等。

7、hour n. 小时;点钟 hour前边通常加上冠词an 表示“一个小时”, 即:an hour。

There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour. 8、be from 来自… be from = come from Pandas are from China. = Pandas come form China. 9、meat n. (食用的)肉,为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much meat He eats much meat every day. 10、grass n. 草, 为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much grass。

There is much grass on the playground.四. 语法知识 特殊疑问句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。

特殊疑问句的基本构成有两种情况: 1. 疑问句+一般疑问句结构。


例如: What's your grandfather's telephone number?你爷爷的电话号码是多少? Who is that boy with big eyes?那个大眼睛的男孩是谁? Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? When is he going to play the piano?他什么时候弹钢琴? Where does he live?他住在哪儿? How are you? 你好吗? How old are you?你多大了? How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹?2. 疑问句+陈述句结构。


例如: Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日? Which man is your teacher? 哪位男士是你的老师? 我们学过的What/How about+名词/代词+其他?也是特殊疑问句,它是一种省略结构。

例如: I like English. What/How about you? 我喜欢英语。

你呢? What about playing basketball? 打篮球怎么样?祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)







如单词cook,其中c读[k],oo读短音[u],k读[k],c-oo-k,拼起来读[kuk],一般情况下字母组合oo在字母k前都读短音[u],那么took[tuk],book[buk],look[luk]等就可记住了;又如pen其中p读[p],e读[e],n读[n],一般情况下字母n读[n],类似的单词name[neim],man[mAn],plane[plein]等,根据字母n在辅音[k]和[g]之前读作[N]这一规则,可记住单词bank、think、 thank、 English等。







如单词say(说),day(天),way (方法)等,它们先后学过后才逐一对比,相同之处是单词形状即后两个字母相同,读音也相同,不同点是字母的数量不同,意思不同,整个单词读音不同。








动词(like, read, watch, be),名词(book, boy, radio),形容词(big, good, red),副词(often, too, here),数词(one, two, three),代词(we, that, what),介词(on, to, in),冠词(a, an, the),感叹词(oh, hello, hi),连词(or, but, and)。

动词如look所组成的短语有很多,而且和不同的词搭配意思也不同,我们应该学一个归纳一个,如look at(看),look for(寻找),look up(在字典中查寻),look after(照看),look out of(向外看),look like(看起来像),look around(环顾四周),look on ……as(把……看作),look worried(看起来担扰),look out(当心)等等。

类似像动词 look所组成的动词短语,在我们的初中教材中有很多,只要大家把它们注意归纳在一起来记,一定会取得较好的效果。

6、用归纳方法来区别词或短语的用法来记忆并掌握词与短语,如动词finish, enjoy等词后跟动名词,be afraid of直接跟名词或动名词,be afraid to后跟动词原形,be afraid that跟从句,be made in之后跟地名,be made from后跟看不出原材料的物质名词,而be made of后跟看得出原材料地物质名词。




如:The teacher is very strict in his work and is very strict with his students. (老师对工作和学生要求很严格。

)句中出现两个短语①表示“对某事要求严格”用be strict in sth.②而表示“对某人要求严格”则用be strict with sb. 2、①I agree to your opininon. (我同意你的意见。

) ②Нe doesn5 t agree with you on this point. (在这点上,他不同意你。

) 句中的agree to(with)同意,而agree to后面接名词或动词原形,指“同意某事”,agree with接句词或代词,指“同意某人”。





给你摘了一些,你每个抄15个就好 被动态 例:1、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome. 被动:The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children. 孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。

2、主动:People regard him as brilliant. 被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people. 人们认为他很有才华。

以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以"be done"就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的"be done"就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了。

被动: This speech was delivered by comrade Wang. (was delivered即一般过去时的被动态) 这篇讲演是王的发言。

There was a serious train accident near the border. Two people were killed and twelve were injured. 边境发生严重列车事故,二人死亡,十二人受伤。

A person who is truly honest is called a straight arrow. 直言不讳的人才是真正诚实的人。

A note was passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条。

John was elected president of the class instead of Harry. 乔治被选为班长而代替了亨利。

The information is urgently needed. 急需这个资料。

完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。

(过去完成时had done也包括在内)。

例:1、主动:We have studied English for 3 years off and on at the spare-time school. 被动:English has been studied for 3 by us years off and on at the spare-time school. (have随新主语变为has) 我们已经在夜校里断断续续地学了三年英语了。

2、主动: They had produced 100 tractors by the end of last year. 被动: 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year. 到去年年底我们已生产出一百台拖拉机。

3、主动:They have set up a power station in their home town. 被动:A power station has been set up in their home town. 他们的家乡建立了一座发电站。

4、主动:They have warned us to be careful of rats. 被动:We have been warned to be careful of rats. 他们已提醒我们要注意老鼠。

5、主动:People have piled plastic bags full of rubbish in streets. 被动: Plastic bags full of rubbish have been piled in streets. 人们把装满垃圾的塑料袋子堆放在街上。

6、主动:We have used nuclear energy to produce electricity. 被动:Nuclear energy has been used to produce electricity. 核能已用来发电。

7、主动:No one has ever beaten him at tennis. 被动:He has never been beaten at tennis. 就网球来说还没有人是他的对手。

(No one涉及到全否定和部分否定问题,见否定一讲) The subjects of these lectures have been announced by the lecture committee. 演讲委员会已宣布了这些讲演的题目。

过去完成时也是一样: 主动: Somebody had cleaned my shoes. 被动: My shoes had been cleaned by somebody. 有人早已把我的鞋子擦了。


被动句中的by引出的宾语,一般说来,如果是人称代词你、我、他等,均可省略,someone no one不由by来引出。


主动:The Chinese people will make more space explorations in the future. 被动:More space explorations will be made in the future by the Chinese people. 中国人民在将来将进行更多的空间探索。

同样 After a period of use, the batteries should be changed. 电池使用一段时间后,应该更换。

Usually, the electricity is on for 24 hours. But tomorrow it will be cut off in the day time. 通常是昼夜供电,明天白天将停电。

More peaceful uses will be found for nuclear explosives in the future. 在将来会发现更多的和平利用核爆炸的途径。

More hard work will be needed to make this wonder come true in a short time from now. 从现在起要使这些奇迹在短时间内成为现实还需要做更多的艰苦工作。

make...come true 使……成为事实; come true做宾补(见感使动词口诀)。

The machine will not be used again. 这机器不能再用了。

反义疑问句 一、There be 句型陈述句比较特殊, 其附加疑问句的结构为there be的倒装,而不带句子主语。

例如:There is something wrong with the computer, isn't there? 这台电脑有点毛病,是不是?There aren't any fish in the river, are there? 这条河里没有鱼, 是吗?二、当陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody, someone, nobody, no one,none, anyone, somebody等合成不定代词时, 在非正式文体中,附加疑问句中的主语通常用he或they。

例如:Someone opened the door, didn't he/they? 有人开了门,是不是?Nobody went to the cinema, did they? 没人去看电影,是吗?三、当陈述部分的主语是everything, nothing, something, anything等合成词,附加疑问句中的主语用it。

例如:Nothing serious happened, did it? 什么事情也没有发生,对吗?Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切准备就绪了,不是吗?四、当陈述部分的谓语动词是am的肯定形式...


The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。

You know why it's hard to be happy? Because you find it hard to let go of the things that make you sad. 知道为什么你很难快乐么?因为你很难放下那些令你悲伤的事情。

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 当生活给你100个伤心的原因,你就还它1000个微笑的理由。

Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从今日开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。

Don't be discouraged; it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. 别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

It takes three seconds to say "I love you", three hours to explain it, and a lifetime to prove it. "我爱你",说出来要三秒钟,解释它要三小时,却需要一辈子去证明。

The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up. 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

True friends are the ones who always be there for you no matter how hard the situation is, and always say, "I'm here." 真正的朋友是,无论有多难,都会在你身旁,对你说:“没事,有我呢”! People get up every day and tell themselves they're gonna change their life one day. But they never do. 每天,人们起床后都会告诉自己,总有一天要改变自己的生活,可是,没人付诸行动。

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

There's nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。

Life is too short. So, smile while you still have teeth! 人的一生何其短暂,趁你的牙齿还健在,能笑就多笑吧!To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

The face can speak a thousand emotions but it can easily mask what the heart truly feels. The happiest face may be masking the most hurting heart. 一张脸能诉说千种情绪,却很容易掩饰心情。


No one is in charge of your happiness, except you. 没人能决定你的幸福,除了你自己。

Don't make me wait for you just because you know I will. 别因为知道我会等你, 就把我晾在那里等。

The world is like a mirror, frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too. 世界犹如一面镜子:朝着它皱眉,它就朝你皱眉;朝着它微笑,它也会对你微笑。

Life is too short to waste time on someone who is unworthy of your love. 生命如此短暂,别把时间浪费在不值得去爱的人身上。

Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.任何人都可能吸引你的眼球,但只有那个最特别的人才能虏获你的心。

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. 的确只有当我们失去时,才知道曾经拥有的是什么;同样的,只有当我们拥有了才知道从前失去了什么。

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. 为我们不应做而做了的事而后悔,那伤痛只会是一阵子;但为我们应该做而没有做的事而后悔,那伤痛却是一生的。

If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love or they still are. /如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不还在爱着。

All ending are also beginings. 所有结局都是一个新的开始。

Don't say you love me, unless you really mean it. 请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

If you hate me, I don't really care. I don't live to please you. 如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意。


The best color in the whole world is the one that looks best on you. 最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色!Be nice to people on your way up, because you' ll meet them on your way down. 向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。

If you do not understand my silence, you will never understand my words. 如果你不懂我的沉默,你也永远不会明白我说的话语。

If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO. 只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。

Giving up doesn't mean you're weak, sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go. 放弃并不总意味着你软弱,有时反而说明你足够坚强去舍弃。

It's not easy to change friendship into love. But it's even harder to turn love into friendship。


Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带...



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