> 唯美句子 > if后可以接什么,除了句子




if possible=if it is/was possible

if necessary

if only

if so追问

if not me呢


If not now, when? If not me, who?!

If it is not now, when is it?

If it is not me, who is it?

as if后面可以跟什么。

句子?BE DONE? DOING? 为什么有些句子有...

一、as if 从句的作用 1. 在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。

如: She looks as if she were ten years younger. 她看起来好像年轻了十岁。

It seems as if our team is going to win. 看来我们队要胜了。

2. 引导方式状语从句。

如: She loves the boy as if she were his mother. 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。

The child talked to us as if he were a grow-up. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。

二、as if 还可用于省略句中如果as if 引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。

如: He acts as if (he was) a fool. 他做事像个傻子。

Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something. 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。

She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angry. 她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。

三、as if 从句的语气及时态 1. as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。


如: It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。

He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。

2.as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。


从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下: (1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。

如: You look as if you didn' t care. 你看上去好像并不在乎。

He talks as if he knew where she was. 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。


如: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。

The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone. 那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。


如: He opened his mouth as if he would say something. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。

It looks as if it might snow. 看来好像要下雪了。

(4)as if 后面可以接陈述语气和虚拟语气,如果句子的情况是真实的,那么只要保持时态一致即可,如果后面接的并非真实情况,则要按照虚拟语气规则把句子形式改变(简单说就是时态倒退原则)。

编辑本段举例 it seems as if it is raining。


(陈述) it seems as if it were raining。


(虚拟,其实并没有下雨)介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。




at ,in, on, to at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边” in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”。

on 表示毗邻,接壤 to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤 He arrived at the station at ten. He is sitting at the desk. He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. Russia live on the north of China. Fujian is to the south of Jiangsu Province. 2)above, over, on 在……上 above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。


The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3)below, under 在……下面 under表示在…正下方 below表示在……下,不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line.形容词,翻译成XX的,用于名词前 副词,翻译成XX地,用于动词后(通常~) 至于动词和名词,很明显了,因为不容易混淆用法的。

如果要使用同根词的不同形式, 按照句子意思就可以判断区分了, 也就是说,最重要的是要弄清楚词性。


例如 Tom was so lucky to pass the exam. 这里明显就是‘幸运的’的意思,可以判断要填一个形容词。

Luckily,Tom passed the exam.很幸运地,Tom通过了考试。

动词die,死 形容词dead,死的 名词death,死亡 副词deadly,死一般地 early,是形容词,也是副词。


loud,形容词,也是副词,loudly也是它的副词(就是跟loud一样的~) He has a loud voice.他有一把大的声音(嗓门大~) He wept loudly.他大声地哭泣。


alive和living都是以live为根的形容词,比较难区分 alive a.[F] 1. 活着的;现存的[Z] The injured man is unconscious but still alive. 受伤的人不省人事但仍活着。

2. 有活力的,有生气的,活跃的 Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive. 他虽有八十岁了,但仍然充满了活力。

3. 敏感的,注意到的[(+to)] Are you alive to what is going on? 你注意到正在发生的事吗? 4. 热闹的;充满的[(+with)] The town was alive with rumors. ...

for 后面是接短语还是接句子还是二者都可?


1,for this thing ,you should do more.对此,你需要做更多。

2,For I have sinned,i have to go to the police.因为我犯了罪,我不得不去警局。



if else语句下面不能接switch语句么?

if else内部可以使用switch语句,只不过是独立的部分。

如:int i,a;scanf("%d",a);i=0if(a>0)i=i+a;switch(i){case 1: 语句1case 2: 语句2default: 语句3}else printf("wrong!");

so that.so后面接短语还是接句子

as if 的用法 as if 好像,好似 She spoke to me as if she knew me. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。

(= as though)as if 的用法 一、as if 从句的作用 1. 在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。

如: She looks as if she were ten years younger. 她看起来好像年轻了十岁。

It seems as if our team is going to win. 看来我们队要胜了。

2. 引导方式状语从句。

如: She loves the boy as if she were his mother. 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。

The child talked to us as if he were a grown?up. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。

二、as if 还可用于省略句中 如果as if 引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。

如: He acts as if (he was) a fool. 他做事像个傻子。

Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something. 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。

She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angry. 她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。

三、as if 从句的语气及时态 1. as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。


如: It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。

He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。

2. as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。


从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下: (1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。

如: You look as if you didn' t care. 你看上去好像并不在乎。

He talks as if he knew where she was. 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。


如: He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。

The girl listened as if she had been turned to stone. 那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。


如: He opened his mouth as if he would say something. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。

It looks as if it might snow. 看来好像要下雪了。


despite是介词,“不管、尽管、任凭”,后面可跟名词、动词ing或句子,如:1、He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议.2、Despite wanting to see him again,she refused to reply to his letters.尽管很想再次见见他,她还是拒绝答复他的信.3、Despite what others say,I think he is a good boy.不管别人说什么,我还是认为他是个好男孩.



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