> 唯美句子 > inspecialdays还是ons


in special days还是on special days?谢谢

in special days,只有具体日期时间才用on

some special days是用in还是on

in 与on用于表示时间时,其区别在于:

on 表示在某个特定的时间点;

in 则表示在某段时间范围之内;

而这里的some special days很明显是一个模糊的时间范围,所以要用

in some special days

on special days special前可以加the吗?谢谢

in 与on用于表示时间时,其区别在于:on 表示在某个特定的时间点;in 则表示在某段时间范围之内;而这里的some special days很明显是一个模糊的时间范围,所以要用in some special days

people get it on special days, such as birthdays

people get it on special days, such as birthdays.译作:人们在特殊的日子里会得到它,例如生日。

special英 [ˈspeʃl] 美 [ˈspɛʃəl]

adj. 特殊的; 专门的; 专用的; 重要的;

n. 专车; 特价; 特刊; 特约稿;

复数: specials

1. A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.


2. His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention.


birthday 英 [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] 美 [ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ]

n. 生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日;

复数: birthdays

1. I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.


2. Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighborhood.


There are some special days in April.是

There are some special days in April.是什么意思?


special days前选什么介词?


How do englishmen ___on special days?

dress on 是固定用法的

wear 后直接跟穿的衣服就可以了

根据答句提出问句1:There are two special days in April

Do you know what the Indians eat _____special days? No,I do not A.in B.of C.for D.on

答案:Do you know what the Indians eat【on】special days?


【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】


Special days中文歌词下载地址

中文歌词: 我们欢笑 我们争吵 但从不泄气 Every day, Growing up (every day fantastic) 好了 今天又有什麼事情在等著我们呢? 属於我们的Special Days 气喘吁吁奔进课室的你 瞬间吸引了全班的视线 班上的同学一直都七零八落 但此刻简直就像 战场上的战友们 团结一致 奔跑而出 (We never give up, until get it) Try It (over and over, Try again) 就算懊恼 就算落泪 就算消沉 Every day, Growing up (every day fantastic) 每天都是那麼卓越 无可取代 属於我们的Special Days 钟鸣响起以后就是今天的正式开始 在走廊跑来开门的你 与大家一起大声喊到"成功了" 教科书的什麼地方都被登出来了 从不畏惧失败 正面挑战 自信比起眼前有的墙上面 即使什麼时候也 (We never give up, until get it) Try It (over and over, Try again) 就算受到碰撞 只要互相明白 互相认可 Every day, Growing up (every day fantastic) 每天也是新的一天 闪耀的一天 属於我们的Special Days (Beautiful, Shining days, I want to go with you, Wonderful, Dreaming heart, Forever smile) 我们欢笑 我们争吵 但从不泄气 Every day, Growing up (every day fantastic) 好了 今天又有什麼事情在等著我们呢? 属於我们的Special Days (Beautiful, Shining days, I want to go with you, Wonderfuls Dreaming heart, Forever smile)



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